Thank you to our dedicated prayer volunteers that made the Spring 2025 40 Days for Life happen! We have these for which to be thankful:
636 cities in 30+ countries!
672+ children’s lives saved and women spared from abortion!
-at least 6 people/couples we encountered turned around and went elsewhere for services
-We saw an INCREASE of 70 volunteers compared to the previous fall vigil (fall2022=160, spring 2023=230)
-40 Churches for 40 Days: 9 churches/organizations covered 11 days total

–40 Days for Life began in Bryan/College Station in 2004. The first nationally coordinated 40 Days for Life was in 2007. Since then, this simple and highly effective campaign has been the channel of great miracles:
- Over 1,000 cities in all 50 states and over 63 countries have conducted a 40 day prayer vigil at the local abortion facility.
- Over 20,000 women haven chosen life for children they were going to abort since 2007 – because of the peaceful presence of people in front of the abortion facilities.
- At least 200 workers in abortion facilities have had conversions and quit their jobs.
- At least 100 abortion facilities have closed their doors and shut down for good.
- Thousands upon thousands of men and women with abortions in their past have finally found healing.
40 Days for Life has been a campaign of the Central Texas Coalition for Life since the spring of 2009. Locally, the miracles have been nothing short of amazing:
- over 294 women have chosen life for babies that were going to be aborted (at least three women were pregnant with twins).
- 15 workers have had conversions and left the abortion industry for good!
- Over 3,000 people have brought prayer to the streets of Austin in front of these abortion facilities.
- People from more than ONE HUNDRED churches and organizations have united arm-in-arm at the local 40 Days for Life prayer vigils.
- Thousands of women have been redirected to local pregnancy resource centers for help through their pregnancy and beyond.
- Many men and women with abortions in their past have found healing including many of our volunteers.
- Local newspapers, radio stations and magazines have featured the local 40 Days for Life helping to spread awareness about the injustice we stand against.
Prayer volunteers commit to pray for one or more hours each week during the 40 day vigil in front of one of the abortion facilities in Austin.
If you are interested in participating in this life-saving campaign or in helping to coordinate the campaign, email or call the Central Texas Coalition for Life office at 512.296.2071.