Allison reports:
My husband and I were praying on the sidewalk in the afternoon. A young lady drove up with a guy in the passenger seat. I motioned her over and she came over readily. I said we were there to help in any way she needed. She had come for an ultrasound, thought she was about 10 weeks pregnant and knew that she couldn’t have an abortion. I said, “Wow, ten weeks, I just came across the development of your baby.” I showed her pictures and read how much her baby was already developed. I told her if she wanted an ultrasound that she could get one for free at the pregnancy center on Manchaca. She seemed pretty sure that she wanted to continue the pregnancy but was considering adoption. She wasn’t sure about raising a baby with her boyfriend because of problems in their relationship, but he wanted to see the ultrasound. I told her the pregnancy center could answer all of her concerns including the ultrasound and provide counseling.
She was adamant about keeping the ultrasound appointment at the abortion facility even though she could go straight to the pregnancy center free of charge and wouldn’t have to keep her appointment here. She accepted the “Pregnant, What Next?” brochure and the card with the baby’s development. I let her know that we would be praying for her. She went inside the abortion facility, came back out and motioned to the guy in the vehicle. He went up to the entrance and spoke with her briefly then he got back into the car. My guess is that he was not welcome inside to see the sonogram.
My husband insisted that we stay after our hour so I could try to speak with her after she came out. She did come back out a few minutes later and I showed her the models of developing babies up to 12 weeks (from conception) and she was really excited! She found out that she was actually 15 weeks pregnant. She took pictures of the models to show the father. She told me she would call the pregnancy center and get help from them. I’m so blessed that we could direct and encourage her!